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We tend to lose those precious memories when we are being careless. Spend years and decades of our lives looking back, filled with regrets and sorrow. As time goes on, those precious memories fade into darkness; leave behind chunks of blurry images like an unsolved puzzle with missing pieces. We only live once and you are the director to your own life story. As a wedding photographer, I am here to capture all the exciting moments of your wonderful life story.


Besides that, I will also provide you with specialized portrait shots for a wonderful couple like you. I am efficient with what I do and will have all the photos processed and ready a week after they are taken. My style of photos is a hybrid between western and eastern style. If you like the style of my photos, then I am the wedding photographer who will leave you with no regrets but precious moments.





我是人像攝影師,MAX,在婚禮紀錄已拍攝近200場經驗,其中曾任於演藝圈藝人,NONO婚禮首席婚禮攝影師,2013年5月也飛至美國被聘請在DC當地做婚禮紀錄拍攝,在國內外的拍攝以有相當的經驗,拍攝風格與後製創意多變,一直以來都是有想法就去作,無論婚禮紀錄,婚紗,雜誌,網拍都是善長拍攝項目,也曾任於手錶大廠elegantsis擔任攝影師與Mans UNO,FHM,尤物...等等雜誌拍攝自助婚紗更是以客戶的想法巧思去做討論跟客製化出獨一無二的婚紗創意,有需要拍攝婚禮紀錄,國內外自助婚紗,全家福,情侶寫真,孕婦寫真,工商攝影,均可以與我聯繫。

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